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Services within Planning

We have a number of services within planning that you'll be able to gain valuable experience in.


Planning Policy


Our main job is to prepare a Local Plan for the growth and development of the area. That Local Plan is called Plan:MK, it shows the areas which the Council wishes to see developed for housing, schools, shopping etc. The Plan deals with what type of development, where and when.  It contains policies for the development and use of land and buildings within the Borough and it takes the development of Milton Keynes forward up to 2031.





The purpose of the service is to enable and advise on the protection of Milton Keynes’s heritage assets. This covers protection and restoration of historic buildings of importance, conservation areas and the character that defines them, MK’s new town heritage that gives its special and unique character as well as archaeology.  



Development Management 


The Council has a statutory responsibility as a Local, Minerals and Waste Planning Authority to support new development that meets our local needs. This is delivered by the Planning Service, which seeks to shape the future growth and development of Milton Keynes by supporting high quality and environmentally sustainable growth. This could be through the development of new housing, commercial and retail units, new community and leisure facilities, and the provision of sites for the extraction of minerals and management of waste.


Development is also managed by making decisions, which take account of local residents’ views, on planning applications to support these plans. This includes working with partners to ensure this growth is supported by new infrastructure that is of benefit to the community.



Urban Design


The preparation of a range of projects regarding the design of built form as well as input and comment on major planning applications that enables and delivers high quality growth and regeneration that leads to happy and healthy lives.



Planning Enforcement


Planning Enforcement is there to ultimately preserve the integrity of, and public confidence in, the planning system by ensuring that development accords with the rules. Without it our environment, both built and natural, suffers.


About the planning academy
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